
About JCYS Tuition Scholarships

The deadline to submit your Pollack Family Scholarship application for 2024-2025 summer and school year programming was Monday, January 15, 2024.

Please note that your child must be enrolled in a full-day JCYS early childhood education program to receive a scholarship. We will not offer Big City Day Camp or JCYS North Suburban Day Camp scholarships for Summer 2024.

If you have questions, please email scholarships@jcys.org.

JUF Right Start Scholarships

All JCYS Family Centers are JUF Right Start-affiliated and children enrolled in JCYS early childhood education programs are eligible for these scholarships. Please note the deadline to apply is within three months of the child’s start date. JCYS does not administer JUF Right Start scholarships.

If you would like to learn more about this program or apply, please visit the JUF website.

JCYS Scholarship FAQs

What happens if I register for programming after the January 15, 2024 deadline and need to apply for a scholarship?

Please email scholarships@jcys.org.

Is there a fee to apply/do I need to pay the fee every year?

Yes, a $40 application processing fee is required to apply every year.

If I have two students, do I need to pay the fee twice?

No. The $40 fee covers an entire family’s application for one year. No matter how many students you are applying for, you only need to pay the fee once.

I don’t have all my documents; can I still apply?

The online system will accept both 2022 and 2023 tax forms through the deadline. If you received an extension from the IRS on your 2022 taxes or for any other document questions, please email scholarships@jcys.org to discuss your specific situation.

Are scholarships given for summer programming?

Scholarships are not given for Big City Day Camp or North Suburban Day Camp. Campers enrolled for full-day Sunflower Camp and full-day Lil’ North are eligible for scholarships.

Is there a separate application for summer and school-year programs?

No. One application covers both; just note in the application whether you’re applying for summer programs, school-year programs, or both.

What happens if my financial circumstances change after I already applied for a scholarship?

Email scholarships@jcys.org. Then, update the information on the scholarship application through the portal. There is no additional fee to update information.

What if I need to change my child's enrollment after I apply for and/or receive a scholarship?

If you change the program in which your child is enrolled, the scholarship will need to be re-evaluated. After you notify the director in writing, please email scholarships@jcys.org.

Have you decided on my award yet/when will I be notified about my award?

The committee meets regularly during the scholarship process and parents will be notified by email once their award is finalized. We aim to notify parents by the end of March for both summer and school-year programs. Unfortunately, we can’t comment on individual awards before notifications are sent out.

Can I get a scholarship for Park District camps or other programs through JCYS?

No. JCYS only awards scholarships to children enrolled in JCYS programs, and the scholarships only go towards JCYS tuition. We are unable to help families with tuition assistance for non-JCYS programs.