
JCYS Central Office

2112 W. Lawrence Ave., Ste. 219
Chicago, Illinois 60625
(312) 726-8891

JCYS is proud to retain an exceptionally qualified and dedicated team of staff members at our family centers, summer camps, and central office, who ensure each program’s success. Learn more about key members of our staff and feel free to contact any one of them directly with any questions you may have.

Samantha Jakubowski, Chief Executive Officer
x101 | sjakubowski@jcys.org

Cathy Carlo, Chief Operating Officer
x105 | ccarlo@jcys.org

Sonya Solomon Piell, Chief Financial Officer
x103 | spiell@jcys.org


Meredith Bedwell, Senior Staff Accountant
x126 | mbedwell@jcys.org

Ashley Dinos, Director of Marketing and Communications
x104 | adinos@jcys.org

Jason Fink, Senior Accountant and Payroll Specialist
x102 | jfink@jcys.org

Laura Hussey, Business Manager
x112 | lhussey@jcys.org

Graham Little, Director of Risk Management

James Murphy, Senior Staff Accountant
x127 | jmurphy@jcys.org

Breanne Parker, Director of Human Resources
x125 | bparker@jcys.org

Naomi Richman, Administrative Manager
x113 | nrichman@jcys.org

Nikki Robin, Managing Director of Operations